Saturday, July 18, 2009

Laptop Losses!

I had to read it again just to make sure I understood.  In the US, where they keep accurate statistics, around 1200 laptops go missing at Los Angeles International Airport each week. And if you add it all up then some 624,000 laptops go missing or are lost at airports in the US each year. Thats a staggering figure. Not all are stolen. Many are forgotten while going through security checks. If you have an identity tag pasted on your laptop then you will be paged to come get it - provided you even remember you left it behind. There are so many hassled and spaced out travellers who dont even register that the laptop is gone or their name is be being paged.  

The other factor is just plain and simple theft. While you wait for your flight and read that newspaper somebody has walked off with your laptop bag. But help is on the way. There are already laptop recovery software available, and though it might set you back about a hundred dollars, you can track your laptop's whereabouts with it. It works. It transmits information to a central tracking unit or to yourself and you can take it from there. Some even click a picture of the thief and send it to you the next time he/she connects to the internet. If that isnt cool I dont know what is!