Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Mac users hit by virus!

For years Mac users never agonized about computer viruses. They never got them! Us PC fans meanwhile had more than our share of the curse - the much feared blue screen of death. Now Macs are more popular and virus writers (a Biblical plague on the breed) are targetting the Macs. The iServices.A Trojan horse has found a comfortable home on Mac users who are fond of downloading torrents. A torrent website, for those not in the know, is where you go if you want to download and watch a pirated copy of that latest movie which hasnt even come to town yet. The downside - well you could get hit by an embedded virus like this Trojan which will connect your computer to somebody sitting five thousand miles away and that person can have a leisurely look at all your files, maybe copy your keyboard strokes and get in your bank account, and in general wreak havoc in your life. Maybe its worth waiting for that movie to see it legit.