Friday, August 21, 2009


It slowly creeps up on you. First you join Facebook because so many friends ask you to. You have no idea what its about and wonder why it sparks so much interest. Then suddenly you are in and having a great time finding that friend from kindergarten you lost touch with, or looking at the pictures of a relative's birthday party halfway across the world. You have officially become a Facebookie! 

As you get comfortable with the website some patterns emerge. Theres the poster who tells you about every single moment of his life excluding his bowel movement, the one who actually works in real estate and sneaks in a sales pitch from time to time, and the most dedicated poster of all - the cause runner. The cause runner has a new one every other day and throws himself heart and soul behind it and tries to get you to join as well. All part of the Facebook community. How to maintain your sense of fun through it all? Enjoy!